

I don't mind if you don't like me,
but don't pretend like I'll get lucky.
I just want you to leave me alone.
I turn off my computer,
but then wait by the phone.
I know that you will never call me,
and if you did.. well then, I'd be unhappy.

All you've done is tease,
and promise to please.

I count down the days that I don't talk to you,
and then I cave in and ask what you're up to.
You just laugh and say, "Not much at all."
I hope you catch my heart, which soon will fall.

But I know that you will never call me,
and if you did.. well then, I'd be unhappy.

All you've done is tease,
and promise to please.

And I know that it was a fling.
And I know that I meant nothing.

But I always told the truth,
and that's why I lost you.

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